Friday, October 17, 2008

Swimming, Summer 2008

Arya loves to swim. She spent many evening swimming in our backyard pool. She would have like to have gone every night, but we probably went at least 3 times a week while it was hot out. She went from being able to glide a few feet under water to being able to swim, flip to her back and float then flip over and keep swimming most of the way across the pool. She also loved to jump off the side of the pool and dive and get things off the bottom of the pool.


Joanne said...

How great that she loves the water while so young :) These pics are just adorable, too. You even sneaked one in of yourself! WTG Betsy wonders if it's warm enough to swim in late March...

Col said...

CUTE slideshow -- your blogging skills are becoming quite impressive :)