Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hair Bows

Arya likes to wear ribbons in her hair. This is a fact that makes me very happy, since I love to do her hair. Now that she actually has enough hair to put up in pony tails and clips. She usually tells me when she wants bows and if she wants one or two.

My mom and my sister and I were out at a craft boutique last weekend and someone was selling homemade hair bows. I thought Arya would love them. They were very cute, but not $10-$15 cute. For that I could make my own. I went home looked online and found out how to make hair bows. They are pretty east to make and Arya loves them!

1 comment:

Col said...

Did you make those? They look really good . . . YOU should sell them for $10 - $15 at the craft show :)